
Martha's Vineyard

Thank you by woodleywonderworks-resized-600

This month I was forwarded a challenge on Facebook – for the month of November, make your daily status something you are thankful for.  “No Worries” I thought and dug straight in – family, friends, good weather, my dog, my job, my upcoming trip to Scotland – all things to be thankful for.
Then, this morning, I was out in my yard, raking leaves while the dog ran around and undid all my neat piles of leaves and just as I was about to yell at him, something stopped me.  I looked at the leaves, the beautiful yellows of the sycamore trees, the orange maple leaves, the copper oak leaves and the bright pinks and reds of my burning bushes and remembered, people flock from all over the world to see these New England fall colors and I’m getting upset about having to see them endlessly as I rake – I should be thankful I don’t have to travel to see them.  This led me to think about all the other things about Martha’s Vineyard that make me thankful to live here…

  • Our amazing community
  • Our beautiful beaches
  • the rolling hills of Chilmark
  • seeing the ocean every day
  • the hundreds of miles of trails to walk
  • the wonderful restaurants

I’m just starting the list for you…as fellow Vineyard lovers, what is it about Martha’s Vineyard that you are most thankful for?

Photo by Woodleywonderworks


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